Turning Your Triggers Into Insights
You are running late for an important meeting. As you head out the door, you reach for your keys and discover that they are missing. One...
Speak Your Child's Love Language
One evening, as dinner was coming to a close, my oldest son got upset about something, probably me asking him to clean up. His initial...
Interview at a Strip Club: Part 1
I'm 34 and I've never set foot in a strip club. Why, then, am I applying for a job there as a cocktail waitress?! Watch my video below to...
3 Tips to Becoming More Comfortable With Vulnerability
Imagine you are at a party and your best friend leans over to inform you that someone there has x-ray vision...and that he is staring...
A New Way Of Looking At "Self Talk"
I have taken up the habit of talking to myself when I'm alone. As I became a mom, suddenly most of my friends were moms as well. And us...
Enjoying Life Despite Obstacles
What do you do when your day starts out crappy? Do you feel sorry for yourself and hide in your room for the rest of the day? Or do you...